"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things."

So often we associate being happy with having a significant other, a relationship, money, clothes, etc. Whats sad is how giddy we get, what a high we get from having a new pair of shoes or something to purchase or a new crush to obsess about and have ridiculous hopes of all the happy future events that having these 'things' or 'people' in our life will bring. Which I've finally realized, or maybe knew all along and never actually processed or accepted, ultimately sets you up to be disappointed time and time again. Realizing that new dress doesnt actually look that good as it did in the fitting room or on the model you saw wearing it, or realizing you really have nowhere to wear it at all. Realizing the person you've been obsessing over isn't cut out for the fantasy wedding you were planning in your head for the two of you. Realizing that even if you did have more money, would it make up for everything else you're miserable about? So then what? We moan, whine, and complain and obsess over a new set of things that we don't have. It's a vicious cycle and we get so caught up in it. And until you lose the things you already do have you're more than happy to chase after these people or things. But what's my point? Well, what's the goal here? The goal has got to be being happy with what you've got. Because the quote is a happy LIFE. It's misleading because at first I read this and thought, ok the goal is a, b, c. And then i realized, ultimately these are things: more money, a promotion, new job, a relationship, new home, etc. these are mere events or goals that are small in the grand scheme of life. Will they ultimately lead you to living a happy life? or provide temporary happiness which you then set another goal? Or maybe that is the point. It can be interpreted however anyone needs. But what I know, is that if my 'goal' is constantly working towards something that will bring me to 'live a happy life', I'm still miserable in the present and not happy until i have that 'goal'. And it's probably the biggest challenge of all, living a happy life now, and not waiting or pining the endless goals, things, people, that you don't have. I think once I or anyone can do that, they'd be surprised at how much easier those 'things' and 'people' come into their life.
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